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Deploying Workers

Obtain a Boostrap Token

First, create a service account with a minimal set of roles (compute:read and compute:write) required for proper Worker functioning:

orchard create service-account worker-pool-m1 --roles "compute:read" --roles "compute:write"

Then, generate a Bootstrap Token for this service account:

orchard get bootstrap-token worker-pool-m1

We will reference the value of the Bootstrap Token generated here as ${BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN} below.

Further, we assume that Orchard controller is available on

Deployment Methods

While you can always run orchard worker run manually with the required arguments, this method of deploying the Worker is not recommended.

Instead, we've listed a more persistent methods of a Worker deployment below.


launchd is an init system for macOS that manages daemons, agents and other background processes.

In this deployment method, we'll create a new job definition file for the launchd to manage on its behalf.

To begin, first install Orchard:

brew install cirruslabs/cli/orchard

Ensure that the following command:

which orchard

...yields /opt/homebrew/bin/orchard. If not, you'll need to replace all of the occurences of /opt/homebrew/bin/orchard in the job definition below.

Then, create a launchd job definition in /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.cirruslabs.orchard.worker.plist with the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

This assumes that your macOS user on the host is named admin. If not, change all occurrences of admin in the job definition above to $USER.

Finally, change the to the FQDN or an IP-address of your Orchard Controller.

Now, you can start the job:

launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.cirruslabs.orchard.worker.plist


If you have a set of machines that you want to use as Orchard Workers, you can use Ansible to configure them.

We've created the cirruslabs/ansible-orchard repository with a basic Ansible playbook for convenient setup.

To use it, clone it locally:

git clone
cd ansible-orchard/

Make sure that the Ansible Galaxy dependencies are installed:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Then, edit the production-pool file and populate the following fields:

  • hosts — replace worker-1.hosts.internal with your worker FQDN or IP-address and add more hosts if needed
  • ansible_user — set it macOS user on the host for the SSH to work
  • orchard_worker_user — set it macOS user on the host under which the Worker will run, e.g. admin
  • orchard_worker_controller_url — set it to FQDN or an IP-address of your Orchard Controller, for example,
  • orchard_worker_bootstrap_token — set it to ${BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN} we've generated above

Deploy the playbook:

ansible-playbook --inventory-file production-pool --ask-pass playbook-workers.yml